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Latest Events

December, 2021 – This has been an extraordinarily productive period, as MCLD provided input the Democracy and Nutrition Summits and USAID’s new Local Capacity Development Policy, strengthened our stand for Climate Action and began developing ambitious national chapter strategies for 2022.

  • Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    November 24, 2021 – More than 95 activists for community-led nutrition action met to emphasize key community-led strategies and share three case studies. Good nutrition requires not only affordable access to nutritious food, but an entire local system of community-owned programs – what has often been termed a “food environment.” As identified in the Lancet…

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  • Community-led Climate Action

    Community-led Climate Action

    On our October 2021 global call and in preparation for the COP26 Climate Summit, the Movement for Community-led Development came together to distill their experiences.

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  • Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD, a two-part multi-lingual learning event to share the findings from phase 2 of our collaborative research. We shared the key findings, implications, and recommendations from a Rapid Realist Review of 56 community-led programs.

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  • Promoting Access to Justice Through Community-led Approaches

    Promoting Access to Justice Through Community-led Approaches

    There are about 5 billion people globally whose justice needs are unmet, including those who cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, those who are excluded from opportunities the law provides, and those who live in extreme conditions of injustice. While there are different justice systems in different parts of the world, this event will focus on how we can use community-led…

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  • Partnership with Makueni County

    Partnership with Makueni County

    September 30, 2021: Today Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, governor of Makueni County, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Movement for Community-led Development to work together to strengthen people’s participation in local governance. The next step will be to develop action plans and, in particular, explore the establishment of a School for Community-led Development, learning from…

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  • Engaging Governments

    Engaging Governments

    Our September 2021 Global Call was a co-creation of principles for how CLD organizations can effectively engage governments. We were pleased to hear introductory remarks from Jeff Thindwa, Program Manager, Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA). Ann Hendrix-Jenkins presented a framework for the discussion (see slides below) and then breakout groups each created 3-4 guiding…

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  • Strengthening Community-Led Health Systems

    Strengthening Community-Led Health Systems

    On September 28, 2021, The Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD) in partnership with the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CANWACH), organized a special dialogue on Strengthening Community-Led Development Health Systems. This was part of an ongoing series of Sector Dialogues being organized by MCLD in order to engage with sector experts to promote…

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  • Pandemics, Environment, and Communities

    Pandemics, Environment, and Communities

    This month’s Adapting CLD Covid-19 call was focused on the environment, what the pandemic has revealed about our relationship to the environment, and how climate change and the safeguarding of nature could be addressed through community-led development.  Moderators Gunjan Veda, Movement for Community-Led Development Nelly Mecklenburg, Institute for State Effectiveness Keynote Speakers David Bonnardeaux, Director of Environment,…

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  • Localizing Livelihoods: Expanding Opportunities in Communities

    Localizing Livelihoods: Expanding Opportunities in Communities

    The Movement’s second Sector Dialogue, Localizing Livelihoods: Expanding Opportunities in Communities, took place on September 16th. Watch the recording here: Our moderator for this event was Dr. Laté Lawson-Lartego (DBA)  Interim Co-Vice President, Global Program at Oxfam America. Panelists Facilitators Localizing Livelihoods: Expanding Opportunities in Communities On September 16, 2021, the Movement for Community-led Development organized…

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