Introduction to MCLD Sierra Leone


Movement Against Food Insecurity Organization (MAFO) founded MCLD Sierra Leone in late 2018. MAFO started communicating with MCLD staff John Coonrod (PhD), Ann Hendrix Jenkins, and Pascal Djohossou.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, MAFO contacted interested organizations to join the Movement (MCLD) via normal calls/emails due to COVID-19 restrictions. We gathered members before convening the first MCLD meeting on 15th June, 2021 with interested organizations representatives:

  1. Lansana Kondeh (MAFO)
  2. Chad McCordic (OVPs)
  3. Edward Yokie (SLANGO)
  4. Arthur A. Kargbo (ASJD)
  5. Aiah Marrah (MAFO)
  6. Ann Marie King (KaWDA)

MCLD SL has been formidable since that day. On May 20, 2022 the National Association was officially launched in Freetown. MCLD SL membership has grown exponentially across the country. We are legally registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of SL.

MAFO was interested in establishing MCLD Sierra Leone for three reasons:

  1. Our aspirations and dream in contributing and expanding its roles in the development of other compatriots Sierra Leoneans
  2. MAFO wanted a space wherein it can serve as an enabler for local communities voices to be heard at local, national and global levels respectively
  3. MAFO wanted to sit at a table of influencers where resources and development issues are being discussed and contribute healthy on the paradigm shift of local development.

MCLD Sierra Leone’s Priorities

  1. Strengthen dialogue between Civil Society and government for mutual gains
  2. Enable marginalized men and women to participate in civic engagement and externally-driven interventions through awareness and promotion of citizen’s rights
  3. Empower women to stand up against gender-based violence, economic oppression, and human rights violations
  4. Empower women to participate more in leadership and decision-making roles, and encourage men to change their perceptions
  5. Use the community-led development approach to expand opportunities and localize livelihood for youth population
  6. Strengthen advocacy on natural resource management, climate change and governance as a key driver for sustainable development.

About MCLD Sierra Leone lead Lansana Kondeh

Lansana Kondeh is the second son to Chief Pa Osman Kondeh, born on 12th April, 1989 in Mansofinia, Neya Chiefdom – Falaba District Northern Region of Sierra Leone. Attended schooling in RC Schools both in Mansundu and Yardu Road, Islamic Secondary School in Koidu City- Kono District respectively and Services Primary School Wilberforce, Freetown. I grew up in a humble Muslim home.

Lansana Kondeh is a graduate with BSc (Honours) in Applied Accounting from the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), University of SL and earned a Certificate in Computing.

Prior forming MAFO alongside with my colleague Aiah Marrah, I have worked in different capacity but not limited to:

  1. Finance Officer (SWD-SL)
  2. Financial Secretary (NYDO)
  3. Under writer as Intern (Aureol Insurance SL Ltd)
  4. Tutor


  1. Coordinates the MCLD SL to MCLD Global
  2. Provide leadership at the MCLD SL Membership
  3. Respond to all correspondences to MCLD Global in consultation with the Membership of MCLD SL
  4. Provide and do research on fundraising mechanism opportunity for MCLD sustainability in SL