
Case Studies

Community-based malaria control in southern Malawi: a description of experimental interventions of community workshops, house improvement and larval source management, van den Berg et al, Malaria Journal 201817:266

Community trust reduces myopic decisions of low-income individuals.
Jon M. Jachimowicza,1, Salah Chafika, Sabeth Munratb, Jaideep C. Prabhuc, and Elke U. Weberd, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017.

Finding 2: Local engagement leads to local ownership and, ultimately,
improved development outcomes.
, USAID Learning Lab, 2017

Rapid Collaboration, Learning, and Adapting:
Community-Based Response to Ebola
, David Humphries, Global Communities

The Benefits of Community-Led Development Programming in Insecure Environments: Findings from Iraq and Afghanistan, Mercy Corps, 2015

Kenya: Devolution and Infrastructure Boost Growth and Shared Prosperity, World Bank, February 2015

World Bank Releases Randomized Impact Evaluation of Afghanistan’s National Solidarity Programme, September 2013

Case Studies On this Site