CLD Training in Kabarole, Uganda

Between May 27 and May 31 2024, Movement for Community-Led Development Uganda in collaboration with World Vision Uganda strengthened the leadership capacity of 53 World Vision staff including Area Program Managers and MEAL specialists. They were facilitated with the capacity to understand, how to apply and check Community Led Development (CLD) practices during their community engagements; collaborations with local leadership and other development actors, and throughout World Vision’s programming. It was an opportunity for the participants to reflect, learn, and re-learn with a focus on CLD.  

MCLD used the Participatory CLD Assessment to create dialogues among World Vision staff and hence prompted self-examination of their relationships with the community and other development actors such as the government MDA, INGOs, NGOs and the private sector.  From the interactions during the training, participants were enabled to think about possible courses of corrections in integrating CLD practices and approaches in the World Vision programming.  

“The simulation we had in the community, opened my mind to realize that the voices and choices of local people are the biggest asset in sustainable development. Community-Led Development provides an opportunity for any development professional to engage communities with open minds so as to listen. Indeed, CLD is the way to go.”

Mugagga John Bosco, Project Manager, ProFuturo Project, World Vision Uganda.

The collaboration aligns with MCLD’s Theory of Change particularly in the stream of Facilitating Partnerships through which we expect a system amendment from World Vision to ultimately enable communities to take the lead in processes relevant to achieving self-reliance and resilience.

Piece by Joanna Mbakulo, MCLD Uganda Country Coordinator