
Draft Terms of Reference, 2 August 2022

Purpose: Now that the concepts of localization and community-led development are gaining traction, establishing an Advisory Group for MCLD will provide insights and open doors for more US-based organizations (INGOs, universities, foundations, aid agencies) to stand powerfully in solidarity with low-income communities around the world and accelerate the policy changes necessary for communities to succeed in their own development. 

What is MCLD? The Movement for Community-led Development is a civil society initiative committed to strengthening the ability of grassroots communities to successfully lead their own development. It was launched alongside the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, recognizing that at least 12 of those goals required integrated solutions at the community level. It comprises 1500+ community based organizations and 70+ INGOs taking collective action through 17+ national chapters and globally as both a community of practice and a movement for policy change.

Moving to the next level: Since MCLD was launched in 2015, The Hunger Project has hosted the MCLD Secretariat. Senior staff from US-based member organizations have generously volunteered their time for collaborative efforts. The Secretariat team seeks the advice of leaders from diverse relevant sectors to take us to a new level of impact and influence and re-evaluate the current model.


  • Advisors will serve a one-year renewable term. (starting February 2023)
  • To begin, we envision enlisting the participation of 8-10 advisors who will be invited to quarterly virtual meetings.

Role of the Advisory Group

  • The secretariat will keep advisors informed on a regular basis of our plans, achievements and challenges and seek their advice individually and collectively as we finalize our new strategic direction.
  • The advisors will provide the best insights of funders and other #ShiftThePower networks in the programmatic planning and fundraising strategies of MCLD.
  • The advisors will not have a governance role; rather they will provide current knowledge, insights and critical thinking to MCLD team to enable them to strengthen their influence and role in shifting the power


  • Individuals with an appreciation for the importance of inclusive community-led development
  • Individuals playing leadership roles in all aspects of the international development space: INGOs and their networks, diaspora groups, universities, foundations, governmental and intergovernmental agencies, the media and private sector.