Author: Mary Kate Costello
Tips “4” Social Protection
Design is more important than affordability. Regarding? Well, arguably anything. But let’s consider social protection. Let’s first about the fact that approximately 55% of the world’s population does not have full social protection (that’s about 4 billion people). Let’s also think about the reality that in developing contexts or developing countries, the percentage of national…
Integration and Community Leadership Needs More Than Just Funding Changes
The nature of our world is multi-nodal and, with technology, today’s means of accountability, collaboration, communication and fulfillment of responsibilities are evolving to reflect integration. International development needs to catch up – quickly. Locus, Pact, Church World Service, and The Hunger Project – all members of the international Movement for Community-led Development – addressed this…
UNGA 72: 193 Member States, 9 Days of Debate, 1 Sustainable Development Agenda
The annual General Assembly is like drinking water from a fire hose. There are endless side events, report launches, closed meetings, celebratory receptions and of course the infamous General Debate. This year, more than half of the world’s Heads of State traveled to UN Headquarters in New York City to discuss the most pressing challenges…
Bracing for Impact: Proposed Budget Cuts to USAID and the State Department
By: @alovelyimperfection President Donald Trump released his first formal proposed budget to Congress on 16 March 2017. As promised, the “America First” budget is proposing $54 billion in cuts throughout different federal government agencies and programs to offset an increase to the defense budget. Here is a snapshot of some departments that will be experiencing…