Evaluation Sub-Group

The Evaluation sub-group seeks to answer the question How do we capture the impact of CLD? 

The Evaluation sub-group adapted an existing USAID tool to create the Quality Appraisal Tool to enable organizations to create rigorous, good quality evaluations, irrespective of the method of evaluation. This tool will be released soon. 

A section of the sub-group is also undertaking a realist review under the guidance of Prof Gill Westhorp (University of Charles Darwin, Australia) to understand how, why and under what circumstances facilitation and community leadership lead to improved resilience and equity, and thereby better food security. 


Research lead: Gunjan Veda, Movement for Community-led Development

Group Members (in alphabetical order):

  • CHAIR: Matthew Cruse, Relief International
  • Amy R. Williams, Project Concern International 
  • Ben Wood, Heifer International
  • Diana Delgadillo, The Hunger Project Mexico
  • Elene Cloete, Outreach International
  • Elly Arganbright, Sparks MicroGrant (former)
  • Godfrey Senkaba, World Vision (former)
  • Holta Trandafili, World Vision
  • Idalia Rodriguez Morales, MSI
  • Jennifer Simpson, Project Concern International (Methods Group co-chair)
  • Julie Carandang, Nuru International (former)
  • Kathleen Morris, The Hunger Project (former)
  • Molly Wright, Pact
  • Pablo Sanchez, The Hunger Project
  • Rachel Dickinson, Root Change (former)

For further information on the work of the evaluation sub-group or to participate in the sub-group, please write to gunjan.veda@thp.org