
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

  • Social Accountability and CLD

    Social Accountability and CLD

    On June 30, 2020, representatives from the Movement for Community-led Development facilitated a webinar hosted the Global Partnership for Social Accountability entitled “Community-led Development and Social Accountability: Mobilizing Community Response to Covid-19.” The 90-minute webinar was attended by 128 participants from around the world.

  • Accountability Counsel

    Accountability Counsel

    On this month’s global call of the Movement for Community-led Development, our special presenters were Natalie Bridgeman Fields, founder and executive director of Accountability Counsel, and Samer Araabi, research director whose SSIR article at this link brought us together. To download the slide deck or see it full screen, click the >> at right. Natalie’s…

  • #WorldRefugeeDay: Refugees are Community Leaders

    #WorldRefugeeDay: Refugees are Community Leaders

    By Mary Elizabeth Margolis, Senior Director of Communications, Church World Service We often hear about the unbelievable challenges refugees face in their journeys to find safety. Refugees fleeing violence and persecution risk everything for the hope of safety and a bright future for their children. Once they escape immediate danger, rather than open arms they…

  • #WorldEnvironmentDay – Communities are the key!

    #WorldEnvironmentDay – Communities are the key!

    Happy World Environment Day! Rural communities are playing a vital role in restoring our natural environment – they are the people most dependent on a vibrant, sustainable environment. Watch how former poachers change their ways through community action. Image iStock: Rusanovska Read more on how community-led development and nature conservation go hand-in-hand in Malawi.

  • Unicef’s new Minimum Standards for Community Engagement

    Unicef’s new Minimum Standards for Community Engagement

    A founding goal of our Movement has been to raise the profile of Community-led Development in mainstream development discourse. Unicef has taken a major step in that direction by developing and launching standards and indicators for community engagement in its programs. We were delighted to welcome Rania Elessawi, Communication for Development Specialist (Planning and Monitoring)…

  • Action for Gender Equality

    Action for Gender Equality

    A special Learning Session In this year of Beijing+25 the session theme is Harnessing the power of Gender Equality featuring Geeta Rao Gupta (UNF and 3D), Hemlata Verma (ICRW) and Mary Kate Costello (THP). The full program with speaker bios and their slide decks are below.

  • Stopping As Success: January 2020 MCLD Meeting

    Stopping As Success: January 2020 MCLD Meeting

    Grace Boone of CDA Collaborative and David Yamron of Search for Common Ground were the special guests at our meeting today, briefing us on a project central to Community-led Development – “Stopping As Success: Transitioning to Locally Led Development.” The project website here has just gone live, and will feature 20 case studies and tools.

  • Co-Creating 2020

    Co-Creating 2020

  • Collective Impact

    Collective Impact

    November 2019 monthly global meeting of the Movement for Community-led Development, featuring a tutorial on Collective Impact 3.0 and the Water of System Change by Ann Hendrix-Jenkins, reports from participants at six international conferences, and news from East and West Africa country chapters. Click here to view the slide deck!