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Past Events

  • Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Here is the recording of our second webinar – with Donal Reilly of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to discuss an approach to address the #1 complaint from households in emergency response situations — that they get “assessed” by multiple agencies, some of whom they never see again. [youtube] Click here to download a discussion paper, and…

  • April 6 IFPRI Event

    April 6 IFPRI Event

    One sea-change from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is Goal 16, which calls for participatory decision-making at all levels, including the community level where basic needs are met. The SDGs also call for integrated solutions – especially critical for nutrition, women’s economic empowerment and resilience – and this integration…

  • March 31 BBL with the World Bank CDD Global Solutions Group

    March 31 BBL with the World Bank CDD Global Solutions Group

    Sponsored by the Community Driven Development Global Solutions Group The Movement for Community-led Development: Strategy for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals The Hunger Project and The Millennium Challenge Corporation Held Thursday, March 31, 2016  ||  12:30 – 14:00 pm || Room MC 7-860 Read the Blog Post here by Christopher Colford that reported on the…

  • CSW60: Empowerment-based Strategies to Build Resilience

    Experts from Relief International, Solar Cookers International and The Hunger Project-Mexico share their approaches.

  • Launching the Movement

    Launching the Movement

    Leading international organizations call for a process that empowers citizens at the local level.

  • Localizing the SDGs in Malawi

    Localizing the SDGs in Malawi

    On May 15, 2015, The Hunger Project and World Vision co-hosted a nationally-broadcast panel discussion in Lilongwe on localizing the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals in Malawi. The focused and frank discussion resulted in significant commitments to greater partnership among five key groups of development actors. The panelists include: The discussion was moderated by: In attendance…

  • What constitutes an enabling environment for the poor to succeed in their own development?

    The concept of an “enabling environment” is new, and it reflects nothing less than a paradigm shift in thinking as to how nations like Bangladesh can achieve a new, self-reliant future — a future where all citizens have the chance to lead a healthy and productive life.