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Past Events

  • Half-Time! MCLD Prepares for the SDG Summit

    Half-Time! MCLD Prepares for the SDG Summit

    The August 2023 monthly zoom call focused on preparations for September’s SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit, at which the UN Secretary General has called for a “Rescue Plan” so that the world can “win in the second half.” Our special guest on this call was Massimo Perrino, Policy Officer at United Cities and Local Governments…

  • How USAID will measure the “50% Commitment”

    How USAID will measure the “50% Commitment”

    In January 2023, MCLD and member Peace Direct hosted a call with USAID, and Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and local peace makers to discuss metrics for how USAID would measure its commitment that by 2030 “”at least half of every dollar we spend, will need to place local communities in the lead to either co-design a…

  • Watch our July 26, 2023 Call — Can Communities Rescue the SDGs?

    Watch our July 26, 2023 Call — Can Communities Rescue the SDGs?

    French Audio Slides Each July the world community reviews progress on the 2030 Agenda — the Sustainable Developments (SDGs). As we approach “half-time” it is clear that the world is doing very badly. Very few targets are on track and some are regressing. The Secretary General has called for a “Rescue Plan” at the September…

  • Watch our June 28 Global Call – Communities Tackle Climate Change

    Watch our June 28 Global Call – Communities Tackle Climate Change

    Watch the recording of our discussion on the greatest challenge of our day – Climate Change – and the recommendations from more than 100 key agencies to #ShiftThePower to local communities.

  • Our May 2023 Global Call: Power to Civil Society Everywhere!

    Our May 2023 Global Call: Power to Civil Society Everywhere!

    In our continuing journey to shift power and resources to community-based organizations (CBOs), we focused this month on two important tools.

  • Partnership with Taita-Taveta County

    Partnership with Taita-Taveta County

    In March 2023, MCLD signed its second county partnership, this with Taita Taveta County. MCLD-Kenya Executive Director Steve Ogutu has recent held meetings with the county leadership and staff. Following the second meeting, H.E. Christine Saru Kilalo, Deputy Governor, provided this message.

  • March Update: Women’s History Month and the launch of Africa’s first School for CLD.

    March Update: Women’s History Month and the launch of Africa’s first School for CLD.

    Listen to the recording of our March 29th call, to noted Indian Muslim feminist Dr. Syeda Hameed on the transformative power of women’s leadership, and from MCLD-Kenya’s Steve Ogutu and Makeuni County director for citizen engagement Zipporah Wambua.

  • S4D – All Politics is Local

    S4D – All Politics is Local

    On the virtual sidelines of this second global Summit for Democracy, The Movement for Community-led Development wants everyone to appreciate the wisdom of the old saying — “All Politics is Local.”

  • Training of Trainers for the School for CLD – Session 1!

    Training of Trainers for the School for CLD – Session 1!

    March 17, 2023 – Wote City, Makueni County, Kenya – Today was the first session of the first School for Community-led Development in Africa! Hear from the Director for Citizen Engagement and public participation, Zipporah Wambua: There are enormous challenges facing the people of Makueni, and they did exercises (which they will recreate locally) to…