Movement Matters

The Movement for Community-led Development is unique because it is not a standalone entity. As of July 2022, we have started a monthly column to share human interest stories that illustrate breakthroughs and learning moments across our membership. Every month, Sera Bulbul interviews a member of our Movement to present key elements of their work and our partnership.

  • Essi Mansan Séna Chakpla – ONG AIL

    Essi Mansan Séna Chakpla – ONG AIL

    Essi Mansan Séna Chakpla draws inspiration from the people she has the opportunity to work with – especially young people and women. In this month’s Movement Matters column, Essi shares the wisdom of her 21 years of experience working on community-driven development in Togo.

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  • Loren Reyes – Ikapitbisigmo

    Loren Reyes – Ikapitbisigmo

    This month’s column features Loren Reyes of Ikapitbisigmo. Loren is an advocate for inclusive development, and co-founder of Ikapitbisigmo Cooperative. Loren shares about the power of building a strong network, how she began following a community-led approach, and more.

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  • Emmanuel Singa – l’Engagement Communautaire et de Mobilisation Sociale

    Emmanuel Singa – l’Engagement Communautaire et de Mobilisation Sociale

    Emmanuel Singa works on issues of community engagement and social mobilization that enable the community to take local initiatives for development while building on available local resources. In this month’s article, Emmanuel unpacks his vision for MCLD-RCA and his conception of community-led development.

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