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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Partnership with Taita-Taveta County

    Partnership with Taita-Taveta County

    In March 2023, MCLD signed its second county partnership, this with Taita Taveta County. MCLD-Kenya Executive Director Steve Ogutu has recent held meetings with the… Read more

  • Strengthening Devolution for Sustainable Development in Kenya

    Strengthening Devolution for Sustainable Development in Kenya

    March 16, 2023 marked the official launch of the Makueni School for Community-led Development headlined by H.E. Multula Kilonzo Junior, Governor Makueni County, and Dr.… Read more

  • March Update: Women’s History Month and the launch of Africa’s first School for CLD.

    March Update: Women’s History Month and the launch of Africa’s first School for CLD.

    Listen to the recording of our March 29th call, to noted Indian Muslim feminist Dr. Syeda Hameed on the transformative power of women’s leadership, and… Read more

  • S4D – All Politics is Local

    S4D – All Politics is Local

    On the virtual sidelines of this second global Summit for Democracy, The Movement for Community-led Development wants everyone to appreciate the wisdom of the old… Read more

  • Training of Trainers for the School for CLD – Session 1!

    Training of Trainers for the School for CLD – Session 1!

    March 17, 2023 – Wote City, Makueni County, Kenya – Today was the first session of the first School for Community-led Development in Africa! Hear… Read more

  • Makueni County launches School for CLD

    Makueni County launches School for CLD

    Thursday, March 16, 2023 marked the official launch of the School for Community-led Development in Makueni County, Kenya. The day included the signing of a… Read more

  • Two New MCLD Articles Published in the Knowledge Management for Development Journal

    Two New MCLD Articles Published in the Knowledge Management for Development Journal

    How do you define knowledge? In MCLD’s two newly published articles by Pascal Djohossou, Ann Hendrix-Jenkins, and Sera Bulbul, we explore this question with over… Read more