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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • ICCE TIG WEEK: Using M&E data to evaluate the impacts of an integrated and holistic international development model

    By: Ashweeta Patnaik, Ray Marshall Center  ICCE TIG WEEK: Using M&E data to evaluate the impacts of an integrated and holistic international development model by… Read more

  • Are we learning enough about integrated programs through impact evaluations?

    By: Tessa Ahner- McHaffie, FHI360 Are we learning enough about integrated programs through impact evaluations? Integrated development raises a lot of questions. Tessa Ahner-McHaffie and… Read more

  • Creating New Tools for the Job

    By: Lydia Cardona, Conservation International Headlines about scarce natural resources driving or causing conflicts are not hard to find. Threats of war over the control… Read more

  • Creating an Integrated Nutrition Game-Plan: Technical Brief and Recommendations from Lao PDR

    By: Deirdre McMahon, Global Nutrition Advisor, SNV  Malnutrition isn’t the result of a simple cause-and-effect algorithm. It can’t be boiled down into an if-then statement.… Read more

  • One Thing at a Time Doesn’t Work for Women

    By: Sia Nowrojee, Program Director, 3D Program for Girls and Women “There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue… Read more

  • Accelerating evidence-based south-south collaboration to reach the extreme poor

    By: Emily Coppel and Isabel Whisson, BRAC Careful adaptation of proven programs in new contexts is key to achieving SDG 1: End poverty in all… Read more

  • When the Evaluation Plan Doesn’t Reflect the Context

    By: Aga Khan Foundation When a partnership offers an opportunity to improve an important value chain Aga Khan Foundation in Mozambique started the MozaCaju project… Read more