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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Impact of Elected Women Representatives in India

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  • FXBVillage Model

    FXBVillage Model

    January 18, 2017 – Watch recorded webinar as Karina Weinstein presents the FXBVillage Model, a time-bound, sustainable and holistic methodology that simultaneously tackles interconnected drivers… Read more


    Integrated development, which intentionally combines multisectoral approaches to address complex development challenges, is gaining in reputation and popularity. As more programs around the globe use… Read more

  • Our Top 10 Milestones for 2016

    Our Top 10 Milestones for 2016

    In the first year of the SDGs, our movement built a strong foundation for empowering women and men everywhere to take charge of their own… Read more

  • Feed the Future – How Food Security Impacts Gender Inequality

    Feed the Future – How Food Security Impacts Gender Inequality

    September 7, 2016- Gayle Smith, USAID Administrator announced a new report in Nairobi, Kenya today that extends the United States Government’s previous 2009 initiative on the… Read more

  • Together for 2030 – A Global Partnership Committed to Betterment of Humanity

    Together for 2030 – A Global Partnership Committed to Betterment of Humanity

    At the Together for The 2030 Agenda–The Partnerships Playbook, seeks to share values in action with member countries, one that is humanity-based. The Partnership comes… Read more

  • West Africa and Decentralization

    West Africa and Decentralization

    What is decentralization?  “The dispersion or distribution of functions and powers; specifically :  the delegation of power from a central authority to regional and local… Read more