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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • CSW60: Women’s Leadership and Community-Led Development

    CSW60: Women’s Leadership and Community-Led Development

    During the 60th U.N. Commission on the status of Women, The Hunger Project and the Movement for Community-led Development, a network of over 30 NGOs,… Read more

  • CSW60: Empowerment-based Strategies to Build Resilience

    Experts from Relief International, Solar Cookers International and The Hunger Project-Mexico share their approaches. Read more

  • Oxfam’s Female Food Hero from Nigeria: A Change-Maker in Her Community

    Oxfam’s Female Food Hero from Nigeria: A Change-Maker in Her Community

    “It’s about shifting the mindset…medium and small scale farming can generate income.“- 2014 Female Food Hero Monica Maigari from Kaduna State, Nigeria  Last week  Oxfam America… Read more

  • Building the Capacity of Youth as Leaders of Today -The Kampala Principles for Youth Led Development

    Building the Capacity of Youth as Leaders of Today -The Kampala Principles for Youth Led Development

    Jon-Andreas Solberg and Douglas Ragan co-authored a very enlightening  post on UN-Habitat Youth covering five principles of youth-led development that are being utilized by youth programs globally and… Read more

  • Methodology of Restless Development

    Methodology of Restless Development

    Jamie Bedson explains a model that emphasizes the structure and process of engagement, the “how” (community-led, recruitment, training, support, safety and security, monitoring) alongside the… Read more

  • Gender & Resilience – A BRACED Working Paper

    Gender & Resilience – A BRACED Working Paper

    The Overseas Development Institute, one of the UK’s leading think tanks, recently released a working paper titled Gender and Resilience: from Theory to Practice. The… Read more

  • Righting the Wrong: Oxfam America’s Report on Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership

    Righting the Wrong: Oxfam America’s Report on Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership

    Oxfam America has recently released a report, Righting the Wrong: Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership to Save Lives and Strengthen Communities, addressing the shortfalls of humanitarian… Read more