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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Our recording from the UN Partnership Forum: Shift the Power for Post-COVID SDG Progress

    Our recording from the UN Partnership Forum: Shift the Power for Post-COVID SDG Progress

    The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) invited all relevant stakeholders to the 2023 Partnership Forum with the theme: “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus… Read more

  • MCLD Highlights of 2022

    MCLD Highlights of 2022

    With our members’ leadership and commitment, community-led development (CLD) continued to gain traction this year and we have seen how differently CLD can be done… Read more

  • Monthly Call! Systems Change and MCLD-Uganda!

    Monthly Call! Systems Change and MCLD-Uganda!

    This month, our colleagues unveiled two new journal articles based on inputs from many of our members, plus we began a new practice of hearing… Read more

  • Take the Survey on the 50% Metric

    Take the Survey on the 50% Metric

    The USAID Administrator has committed to 50% of USAID funding putting communities in the driver’s seat by 2030. USAID has identified 30 good practices (listed… Read more

  • Shaping USAID’s 50% metric

    Shaping USAID’s 50% metric

    Today more than 190 representatives of community-based organizations engaged with USAID officials on the process of fulfilling the administrator’s goal that 50% of USAID programs… Read more

  • Reflection on MCLD’s (Un)Learning Labs

    Reflection on MCLD’s (Un)Learning Labs

    “Unlearning is the highest level of learning” You know that feeling when you find something that you have been searching for your entire life? You… Read more

  • Special Year End Call: Achievements of 2022 and Vision for 2023

    Special Year End Call: Achievements of 2022 and Vision for 2023

    As MCLD evolves into an independent, global network of networks, members came together to share what their national MCLD associations have achieved in 2022 and… Read more