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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Program Review: A Chance to Learn & Adapt

    When establishing a new project, it is customary to set the overarching goal and objectives for the project and then work backwards developing timelines, milestones,… Read more

  • Fiscal Decentralization in Ethiopia

      Legal and Constitutional Framework Devolution of power, responsibilities, and resources from central to local governments has been the foundation of decentralization reforms in developing… Read more

  • Mexico launches a School for Community-led Development

    Mexico launches a School for Community-led Development

    In May 2017, The Hunger Project-Mexico launched the “Municipal School for Community-led Development” in two districts in Mexico (San José Tenango, Oaxaca and Tampamolón Corona,… Read more

  • Step-by-step guide to using Most Significant Change in Communities

    Step-by-step guide to using Most Significant Change in Communities

    OneVillage Partners (OVP) inspires and equips people to transform their lives and their communities. Working in Sierra Leone, West Africa, we partner with local communities… Read more

  • The struggle for human rights starts in the community

    The struggle for human rights starts in the community

    December 10 is Human Rights Day – the anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. I recently attended a… Read more

  • SDGs Compacts 2020

    SDGs Compacts 2020

    Dr. Paul S. Zeitz, former director of Data Revolution at the U.S. State Department and now at movement member Global Development Incubator, presented the concept… Read more

  • Whose “Empowerment”?

    By Meghna Ravishankar In this Guest Post, blogger Meghna Ravishankar explores ideas on Western feminism, empowerment, and the development enterprise in a publication featured in… Read more