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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Can Computer Geeks and Community Activists Unite?

    Can Computer Geeks and Community Activists Unite?

    To most, computer geeks and democratic activists may seem like an unlikely pair but the National Democratic Institute (NDITech) has turned this odd couple into… Read more

  • The Hunger Project Methodology White Paper

    The Hunger Project Methodology White Paper

    A White Paper to how the SDGs can be achieved in rural areas via gender-focused, community-led development. Read more

  • Spark Microgrants Webinar

    Spark Microgrants Webinar

    Watch the recorded presentation on the methodology of Spark Microgrants for community-led development. Read more

  • A How-To on Policy Advocacy

    A How-To on Policy Advocacy

    Advocacy is not a thing to be feared. This online training tool will equip and prepare you to confidently advocate for community-led development. Whether you… Read more

  • Can Exposure to Female Leaders Reduce Gender Bias?

    Can Exposure to Female Leaders Reduce Gender Bias?

    As of 2008, women accounted for only 18.4% of parliamentarians worldwide, and only thirteen countries has a woman at the head of their government.1 While… Read more

  • Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Here is the recording of our second webinar – with Donal Reilly of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to discuss an approach to address the #1 complaint… Read more

  • Save the Children Methodology

    Save the Children Methodology

    The Community Action Cycle (CAC) is a proven community mobilization approach which fosters individual and collective action to address key health program goals and related… Read more