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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Rose Mbone and The Legend Kenya – Local Organizations As Part of a Global Ecosystem

    Rose Mbone and The Legend Kenya – Local Organizations As Part of a Global Ecosystem

    Read MCLD’s latest blog post to explore Rose Mbone’s journey and her vision for the future of locally-led development. Read more

  • MCLD Kenya at the 69th UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi

    MCLD Kenya at the 69th UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi

    MCLD Kenya participated in the 69th United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, marking a significant milestone as the first such event in the Majority… Read more

  • The State of Our Sector

    The State of Our Sector

    During the Movement for Community-led Development’s May global call, we used our discussion to reflect on the current state of our world. Read more

  • Reimagining Leadership in Global Health: What’s Power Got to Do with It?

    Reimagining Leadership in Global Health: What’s Power Got to Do with It?

    Reflections on the WomenLift Health conference by Joanna Mbakulo Read more

  • Towards Equality: Women’s Advocacy and Community Development in the Central African Republic

    Towards Equality: Women’s Advocacy and Community Development in the Central African Republic

    In a new article for MCLD, Octavie outlines RFPAS’ focuses and shares in-depth on the context that women’s organizations in the Central African Republic work… Read more

  • Empowering Women and Building Peace: The Story of Rosalie Kobo-beth and I Londo Awe

    Empowering Women and Building Peace: The Story of Rosalie Kobo-beth and I Londo Awe

    In the heart of the Central African Republic (CAR), amidst challenges of fragility and conflict, Rosalie Kobo-beth is a beacon of hope as the Coordinator… Read more

  • Manuela BOKPAKA MOBANZE, l’association des femmes et jeunes pour le développement durable en RCA (AFJDD)

    Manuela BOKPAKA MOBANZE, l’association des femmes et jeunes pour le développement durable en RCA (AFJDD)

    Manuela BOKPAKA MOBANZE is a passionate advocate for women’s rights and community development in the Central African Republic. Her determination led her to found the… Read more