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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Youth For Growth

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs convened Global Food Security Symposium from March 21-22, 2018. The theme of this year symposium was Youth for Growth. The symposium was… Read more

  • Reflections from Rwanda: Accountability for high quality health services in the right places

    In January, three Locus scholarship awardees participated in a professional development certificate course co-hosted by The Middlebury Institute of International Studies and Partners in Health… Read more

  • Locus recommends 7 questions to guide decisions on integration

    By Ellie Price, Locus Coalition Coordinator & Sia Nowrojee, Program Director at 3D Program for Girls & Women at The UN Foundation On February 21st,… Read more

  • Holding a Space for the Hard Conversations: Reflections on UN CSocD56 Panel

    By Ellie Price, Locus Coalition Coordinator Last month, The Hunger Project, The Movement for Community-Led Development and Locus co-hosted a panel titled “Ending Extreme Poverty… Read more

  • Decentralization, Health System and Gender Issues in Zambia

    The Decentralisation Policy: In 2003, the Government launched the National Decentralisation Policy, which aims at devolving specified functions and authority, with matching resources, to local… Read more

  • Community-Led Development and Its Rationale

      Patriarchy and ‘’top-down’’ development approaches have resulted in little or no change to the poor in the bottom. Instead of focusing on what strengths,… Read more

  • Integrated approaches are key to ensuring the poorest in least developed countries aren’t left behind

    By Karina Weinstein, Program Director, FXB International A recent analysis presented by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to its member States on… Read more