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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Ramlal Parikh – A life sketch

    Ramlal Parikh – A life sketch

    (1927- 1999)  Publisher: Indian Society For Community Education Community Education House, Off Ashram Road, Navajivan Press Road, Ahmedabad-380 014. (India)    Family Education  Hobbies  Publications … Read more

  • A Tribute to Prof. Ramlal Parikh

    A Tribute to Prof. Ramlal Parikh

    A Few Glimpses.. A Few Memories..  A Few Achievements..  In the Life of Ramlalbhai Parikh Documented by Jyoti Jumani As Narrated by Mandaben Parikh and… Read more


    The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in September provide an expansive vision of what we can accomplish over the next 15 years.… Read more

  • Heifer International Methodology

    Heifer International Methodology

    Heifer International applies Values Based Holistic Community Development (VBHCD), which focuses on total community transformation and is grounded in societal values or principles. Read more

  • Case Study: KALAHI-CIDSS

    Case Study: KALAHI-CIDSS

    The Philippines is home to one of the largest-scale community-led development programs. Read more

  • Launching the Movement

    Launching the Movement

    Leading international organizations call for a process that empowers citizens at the local level. Read more

  • Movement Announced at UN Summit

    Movement Announced at UN Summit

    President and CEO of The Hunger Project, Åsa Skogström Feldt, presented at the session on Ending Poverty and Hunger, emphasizing the need to elevate community-led… Read more