From Kendari to Mosul and Abuja to San Francisco, people across the world will celebrate Dec. 31, the close of another year and the promise of a brighter year to come.

But this New Year’s Eve will be more than a time for personal reflection and writing resolutions. It also marks the end of the Millennium Development Goals and the start of a new chapter for the international development community.

It is the launch of the sustainable development goals — our road map for the next 15 years.

As we prepare for this milestone, we’re reflecting as a community on what has worked and where we can improve. We’re also setting our priorities for the future and how we set about achieving our new goals.

Nowhere is our focus more apparent than in the debate around foreign aid reform.

Despite our best intentions and years of good work, the current model of development continues to prove unsatisfying to many of us.

Many efforts continue to be pursued in silos. There is a lack of mutual accountability and no transparent, peer-reviewed way of determining what works and what doesn’t.

And yet, some bright spots hold promise for a better way forward.

Genuine partnerships across geographies and sectors that lead to true collaboration; energy and interest around a shared framework for measurement and open data; local solutions and local ownership emerging as both the means and the end; and the value of an integrated approach rather than various siloed approaches.

When combined, we believe these four facets form a more sustainable, richer, more equitable model for development.

Read the whole post here.