
After seven years of “incubation” within The Hunger Project and explosive growth during COVID 19, MCLD regional leaders and external advisors came together in October 2022 to co-create a new, global organizational structure that remains true to its values even as it is able to mobilize greater financial resources.

We have a strong intention to not recreate the rather neo-colonial “hub and spoke” model. We stopped using the word “chapters.” Instead, we created a “network of networks” where members in each country would set their own priorities in a National Association structured and registered (where needed), consistent with the laws and standards in each country, yet aligned around global mission and set of values. In instances where global decisions are required, these would be made democratically by a Global Assembly (link to more details) that includes a gender-balanced pair of representatives from each National Association. Our Secretariat would have members seconded from different National Associations. 

2023 was established as the transition year to move from being a movement to a “movement organization”, and our new independent structure became operational on January 1, 2024. 

To learn more about the membership standards in your country, find your country under the Countries main menu item.

The Hunger Project has committed to meet the existing core expenses through 2026, and to participate in the MCLD associations in the countries where it operates — as a founding member and key funder.