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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • All Democracy is Local

    All Democracy is Local

    A side event to the Summit for Democracy – December 6, 2021 A famous US politician once said “All politics is local.” By this he… Read more

  • Climate Action: Engaging with Governors at the “Devolution Conference”

    Climate Action: Engaging with Governors at the “Devolution Conference”

    MCLD Kenya participated in the Devolution Conference 2021 (November 23-26) where Kenya’s President H.E Uhuru Kenyatta was the headline speaker. Hosted by the Makueni County… Read more

  • Community-led Adaptation for Climate Change

    Community-led Adaptation for Climate Change

    Climate change is the most urgent crisis facing the world as we head towards a future where as much as a third of global food… Read more

  • Localizing Livelihoods: Our Best Chance in the War on Poverty

    Based on MCLD’s sector dialogue on Livelihoods, Research and Advocacy Intern Benjamin Goldberg prepared a position paper to further present the arguments for a community-led… Read more

  • Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    November 24, 2021 – More than 95 activists for community-led nutrition action met to emphasize key community-led strategies and share three case studies. Good nutrition… Read more

  • Community-led Climate Action

    Community-led Climate Action

    On our October 2021 global call and in preparation for the COP26 Climate Summit, the Movement for Community-led Development came together to distill their experiences. Read more

  • Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD, a two-part multi-lingual learning event to share the findings from phase 2 of our collaborative research.… Read more