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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Action for Gender Equality

    Action for Gender Equality

    A special Learning Session In this year of Beijing+25 the session theme is Harnessing the power of Gender Equality featuring Geeta Rao Gupta (UNF and 3D), Hemlata Verma (ICRW) and Mary… Read more

  • Community is key to Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

    Community is key to Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

    Top 10 Recommendations of the Movement for Community-led Development to the World Health Organization Executive Board, February 2020. Everyone wants a healthy life for themselves… Read more

  • Stopping As Success: January 2020 MCLD Meeting

    Stopping As Success: January 2020 MCLD Meeting

    Grace Boone of CDA Collaborative and David Yamron of Search for Common Ground were the special guests at our meeting today, briefing us on a… Read more

  • 2019 Top 10 Achievements

    2019 Top 10 Achievements

    Our Overarching goal for 2019 has been to shift the movement into “Phase Two”: to move beyond enlisting and organizing member organizations into taking collective,… Read more

  • Co-Creating 2020

    Co-Creating 2020

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  • Collective Impact

    Collective Impact

    November 2019 monthly global meeting of the Movement for Community-led Development, featuring a tutorial on Collective Impact 3.0 and the Water of System Change by… Read more

  • Unleash Women’s Power: Neighborhood Groups in Kerala

    Unleash Women’s Power: Neighborhood Groups in Kerala

    By Father Edwin M. John – a submission to the UN Commission on the Status of Women A massive experiment in the State of Kerala,… Read more