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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • The Hunger Project Methodology White Paper

    The Hunger Project Methodology White Paper

    A White Paper to how the SDGs can be achieved in rural areas via gender-focused, community-led development. Read more

  • Spark Microgrants Webinar

    Spark Microgrants Webinar

    Watch the recorded presentation on the methodology of Spark Microgrants for community-led development. Read more

  • A How-To on Policy Advocacy

    A How-To on Policy Advocacy

    Advocacy is not a thing to be feared. This online training tool will equip and prepare you to confidently advocate for community-led development. Whether you… Read more

  • Can Exposure to Female Leaders Reduce Gender Bias?

    Can Exposure to Female Leaders Reduce Gender Bias?

    As of 2008, women accounted for only 18.4% of parliamentarians worldwide, and only thirteen countries has a woman at the head of their government.1 While… Read more

  • Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Watch the June 7 Webinar on Integrated Response Approach

    Here is the recording of our second webinar – with Donal Reilly of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to discuss an approach to address the #1 complaint… Read more

  • Save the Children Methodology

    Save the Children Methodology

    The Community Action Cycle (CAC) is a proven community mobilization approach which fosters individual and collective action to address key health program goals and related… Read more

  • April 6 IFPRI Event

    April 6 IFPRI Event

    One sea-change from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is Goal 16, which calls for participatory decision-making at all levels,… Read more