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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • April 6 IFPRI Event

    April 6 IFPRI Event

    One sea-change from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is Goal 16, which calls for participatory decision-making at all levels,… Read more

  • Saemaul Undong – The Republic of Korea’s New Village Movement, part 2

    Saemaul Undong – The Republic of Korea’s New Village Movement, part 2

    Due to the successes the Saemaul Undong (SMU) Movement saw in the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the 1970s, the government of ROK began to… Read more

  • Saemaul Undong – the Republic of Korea’s New Village Movement, part 1

    Saemaul Undong – the Republic of Korea’s New Village Movement, part 1

    Before 1960 the Republic of Korea (ROK) was a war-torn nation with a GDP per capita of $70 – equivalent to that of Ghana.1 The… Read more

  • March 31 BBL with the World Bank CDD Global Solutions Group

    March 31 BBL with the World Bank CDD Global Solutions Group

    Sponsored by the Community Driven Development Global Solutions Group The Movement for Community-led Development: Strategy for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals The Hunger Project and… Read more

  • CSW60: Women’s Leadership and Community-Led Development

    CSW60: Women’s Leadership and Community-Led Development

    During the 60th U.N. Commission on the status of Women, The Hunger Project and the Movement for Community-led Development, a network of over 30 NGOs,… Read more

  • CSW60: Empowerment-based Strategies to Build Resilience

    Experts from Relief International, Solar Cookers International and The Hunger Project-Mexico share their approaches. Read more

  • Oxfam’s Female Food Hero from Nigeria: A Change-Maker in Her Community

    Oxfam’s Female Food Hero from Nigeria: A Change-Maker in Her Community

    “It’s about shifting the mindset…medium and small scale farming can generate income.“- 2014 Female Food Hero Monica Maigari from Kaduna State, Nigeria  Last week  Oxfam America… Read more