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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Methodology of Restless Development

    Methodology of Restless Development

    Jamie Bedson explains a model that emphasizes the structure and process of engagement, the “how” (community-led, recruitment, training, support, safety and security, monitoring) alongside the… Read more

  • Gender & Resilience – A BRACED Working Paper

    Gender & Resilience – A BRACED Working Paper

    The Overseas Development Institute, one of the UK’s leading think tanks, recently released a working paper titled Gender and Resilience: from Theory to Practice. The… Read more

  • Righting the Wrong: Oxfam America’s Report on Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership

    Righting the Wrong: Oxfam America’s Report on Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership

    Oxfam America has recently released a report, Righting the Wrong: Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership to Save Lives and Strengthen Communities, addressing the shortfalls of humanitarian… Read more

  • All Politics is Local: Building Grassroots Democracy

    All Politics is Local: Building Grassroots Democracy

    The old saying that “All politics is local” is especially true when it comes to overcoming poverty and hunger. Issues of good nutrition, primary education,… Read more

  • Methodology at Spark MicroGrants

    Methodology at Spark MicroGrants

    Spark Microgrants works in impoverished communities in Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi, with 116 community partners across the three countries. Using an in-country fellowship program, Spark trains and… Read more

  • Nuru International Methodology

    Nuru International Methodology

      Nuru International applies an integrated methodology of community-led development called The Leadership Program, which seeks “to foster an environment of co-creation in which local servant… Read more


    Hunger is not inevitable. It is not too big of a problem to solve. In fact, it has improved dramatically in just the last 30… Read more