The Movement for Community-led Development declared that 2020 would be a “year of co-creation.” This year, we intend to sit down with governments and co-create steps to bring Community-led Development to national scale.
The most powerful way to create our 2020 Top 10 goals for our Movement is to stand in the future of 2030 where everyone, everywhere enjoys their right to successfully take charge of their own development. From that 2030 vision, we can look back to see what needs to have happened, beginning in 2020.
- National Governments:
- What is the strategy in each national chapter to influence their national government to adopt and fund CLD (eg. perhaps leverages certain government agendas or government champions)?
- What meaningful SMART* milestones can we set?
- What regional and global influence will also be helpful for Goal #2?
- How can we advance the “2030 CLD Strategy” process as an effective advocacy tool?
- Donor Agencies:
- We now have CLD champions in key Washington-based donor agencies. How should we work with them to co-create and achieve the greatest progress for CLD in their organizations (leveraging and/or considering their respective priorities and goals)?
- How should we identify champions within other agencies: in Europe? In global philanthropy? In global health (Unicef, WHO, UNAIDS…)? And what are their respective priorities, and our synergies with those priorities?
- Our Support Structure: We now have full time Regional Coordinators to facilitate our work in East, West and Southern Africa; who can take up this role for Central Africa, Latin America and Asia?
- Collaborative Global Research: What products can we deliver this year? How will we promote them?
- Humanitarian Response: CLD has a vital role in bridging the humanitarian/development divide. How can we best organize a working group to advance this agenda? Who in our member organizations should be in the group? How can they best generate their work plan?
- Climate Change: How can we best leverage our partnerships with environmentally focused groups to best empower communities worldwide in climate change adaptation? In what other ways should our Movement address climate change?
- Progress in Africa: What are priority countries to launch chapters or to begin laying groundwork towards a chapter? On deck we already are planning a regional strategy meeting for April in West Africa (Senegal). Where can/should we develop the next consortium projects to facilitate CLD at a larger scale?
- Progress in Asia: On deck we have March strategy meetings in India and Bangladesh and a strong partnership with LOGIN and a DC visit by the head of Sarvodaya Sri Lanka in Feb – what is our highest leverage role this year? What are the highest leverage roles for South Korea, Japan and China and how do we get them in the loop?
- Progress in Latin America and the Caribbean: On deck we are holding a community mobilization workshop in Haiti – how can we build that into an MCLD process? Based on the 2030 vision of “high hanging fruit” – what are the other key priorities we should get to work on?
- Communications:
- What approaches to best socialize MCLD with staff of member organizations? With other stakeholders? (eg. member orientations; CEO meetings; brown bag learning sessions)
- How can we make the biggest impact at global forums?
- Priorities and approaches for promotion of our Collaborative Global Research
*SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound