About Us

Community Engagement is Vital for Progress. Based on the sovereignty of the people, Kenya’s 2010 Constitution calls for strong devolution to County Government with active community engagement. Civil Society has a unique role to play in partnership with the government to mobilize and build the capacity for citizens to play their critical role.

The Kenya Chapter launched on January 30, 2019 with a focus on three strategic elements: 

  1. Focus on the County Level. Since Kenya has decentralized a fair amount, the county level, run by governors, is the strategic platform for community-led development. In addition, several governors and counties have been innovative and early adopters of CLD-aligned approaches. The Kenya chapter is focusing on Makueni County as a model and source of leadership for CLD in Kenya.
  2. Produce a Kenya specific framing of CLD, and related evidence as to what works. Across national chapters, the Movement has learned that policymakers insist, understandably so, on evidence and examples from their own countries. How CLD manifests in each setting–with its unique culture, history, geography, politics, and government systems, gender dynamics and more–means that policies, practices and resource allocation must be tailored. 
  3. Build the membership base, and create consortiums involving a diverse array of stakeholders to enable more and better community-led development.

Our Brochure (click >> to view full screen)

The Kenya Chapter launch event was made possible by the generous activism of staff of our members, with the financial support of The Hunger Project and Pact.

Latest News From MCLD-Kenya

  • Partnership with Makueni County

    Partnership with Makueni County

    September 30, 2021: Today Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, governor of Makueni County, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Movement for Community-led Development to work together to strengthen people’s participation in local governance. The next step will be to develop action plans and, in particular, explore the establishment of a School for Community-led Development, learning from…

  • Implementing CLD in Makueni County Kenya

    Implementing CLD in Makueni County Kenya

    August 26, 2021: Makueni County is a leader in citizen engagement in governance. Their governor was the keynote in the launch of the Kenya Chapter in 2019. Here, Mrs. Zipporah (“Zippy”) Wambua, Director of Public Participation and Citizen Engagement, presents their experience in Community-led Development.

  • Launching the Kenya Chapter

    Launching the Kenya Chapter

    The Kenya Chapter was launched at Heifer House at an event attended by more than 100 dignitaries and community activists.

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