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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • (Un)Learning Labs on Strategic Planning

    Session Two: Strategic Planning Part 2 Session One: Introduction to Strategic Planning Read more

  • Moses Otim Augustine, Noble Youth Foundation Uganda (NOYU)

    Moses Otim Augustine, Noble Youth Foundation Uganda (NOYU)

    Meet Moses Otim Augustine, a dedicated and unwavering advocate for the youth of Uganda and founder and Executive Director of Noble Youth Foundation (NOYU) Uganda. Read more

  • February 28: Let’s Fund the Grassroots Women’s Movement!

    February 28: Let’s Fund the Grassroots Women’s Movement!

    This month, on our global zoom call let’s commit ourselves to breakthrough on one of the most vital challenges for human progress. Read more

  • Youth Leaders: Catalysts for Transformation

    Youth Leaders: Catalysts for Transformation

    During our first global call of 2024, the Movement for Community-led Development introduced our new Youth Task Force. Read more

  • MCLD in 2023: A Look at our National Associations

    MCLD in 2023: A Look at our National Associations

    Join us to reflect on some key moments from 2023. Read more

  • The Journey of MCLD

    The Journey of MCLD

    In a new thought piece, John Coonrod reflects on his journey with MCLD. Read more

  • Mobilizing for Change: MCLD-Nigeria’s 2023 Recap

    Mobilizing for Change: MCLD-Nigeria’s 2023 Recap

    MCLD-Nigeria presents a recap of our highlights from the dynamic year of 2023. Read more