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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Measuring SDG16 Locally

    Measuring SDG16 Locally

    Peace, justice, and strong institutions. Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) aims to achieve these objectives at all levels of society. The SDG16 Data Initiative released… Read more

  • Putting Public Services to the Test

    Putting Public Services to the Test

    In “Do Public Services Actually Reach the Public?”, a new methodology for assessing the allocation of funds and responsibilities to local governments was explored. With… Read more

  • 10 Ways to #ShiftThePower

    10 Ways to #ShiftThePower

    July 10, 2017 began the second UN High Level Political Forum on progress in achieving the SDGs. The key is to shift the power from top-down… Read more

  • Devolution in Kenya: Gender and Public Participation Dimension

    Devolution in Kenya: Gender and Public Participation Dimension

    Introduction The World Bank hails the devolution process in Kenya as one of the most ambitious decentralization efforts in the world. Since 2013, counties have… Read more

  • Lessons from Decentralization in Rwanda

    Lessons from Decentralization in Rwanda

    Introduction Various development institutions and Western governments have held up decentralization in Rwanda as fairly successful. A study commissioned by the government and development partners… Read more

  • Leave No Voice Behind

    Leave No Voice Behind

    Our 2017 InterAction Forum Workshop. Within country-owned strategies, NGOs have a competitive advantage in community-mobilization and capacity building. How can we work together to ensure… Read more

  • World Development Report 2017 and Community-Led Development

    World Development Report 2017 and Community-Led Development

    The flagship World Development Report 2017 by the World Bank Group highlights the need for continued collaboration between governments, citizens, civil society and private sector… Read more