Category: Health
#ShiftThePower for Health Equity
A major theme at the 2022 Global Health Council’s Landscape Symposium has been health equity. We in MCLD believe that the only way to ensure people’s right to health is to ensure they have the collective voice to demand it. We organized a concurrent session at the symposium to address the question — now that…
Ending Hunger and Community-Led Development: What are the causal links?
Ending hunger is not just about food. It requires the convergence of multiple nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions at the community level.
Health for All Advocacy Toolkit
The Health for All Advocacy Toolkit provides national-level civil society organizations (CSOs) and health networks with the necessary resources to kick-start advocacy initiatives on universal health coverage (UHC). It offers advocates a central reference point—a ‘one-stop shop’ for key information and tools to advocate for UHC, hold policy-makers accountable for their commitments, and build a broad social…