
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

  • Partnership in a Transformed System

    Partnership in a Transformed System

    The Movement for Community-led Development’s June Global Call focused on the changing role of partners.

  • The State of Our Sector

    The State of Our Sector

    During the Movement for Community-led Development’s May global call, we used our discussion to reflect on the current state of our world.

  • Collective Healing for Systems Change

    Collective Healing for Systems Change

    The Movement for Community-led Development’s April global call was an introduction to Collective Healing for Systems Change with the Collective Change Lab.

  • Transformation of MCLD, CSW Readout

    Transformation of MCLD, CSW Readout

    This month we gathered to discuss our observations from the recent UN Conference on the Status of Women, our new global structure and our upcoming participatory process to create our 2025-2028 Strategic Plan.

  • February 28: Let’s Fund the Grassroots Women’s Movement!

    February 28: Let’s Fund the Grassroots Women’s Movement!

    This month, on our global zoom call let’s commit ourselves to breakthrough on one of the most vital challenges for human progress.

  • Celebrating our achievements in 2023

    Celebrating our achievements in 2023

  • Monthly Call: Creating our Vision for 2024

    Monthly Call: Creating our Vision for 2024

    Gunjan Veda set the tone for this call: “In 2015, MCLD started out with a dream. A dream to transform this very top down-colonial system that we are a part of… 2023 was the year when the world adopted our dream … that it has to shift towards locally led development… And 2024 for me…

  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD.

  • Strengthening the Ecosystem for Locally-led Development

    Strengthening the Ecosystem for Locally-led Development

    View the recording in English / Voir l’enregistrement en français / Ver la grabación en español. Come back soon for the compiled report of recommendations! / Revenez bientôt pour consulter le rapport compilé des recommandations ! / Vuelva pronto para ver el informe recopilatorio de recomendaciones.