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Past Events

  • NGO CSW Parallel Event: Climate Disruptors

    NGO CSW Parallel Event: Climate Disruptors

    We have all heard of Greta Thunberg, but did you know thousands of young women around the world are also taking action for Climate Justice? On March 23, the Movement for Community-led Development co-hosted a Parallel Event to the 2022 UN Commission on the Status of Women diving into how four young women are engaging…

  • Why CLD?

    Why CLD?

  • Celebrating Women and the Environment in Benin

    Celebrating Women and the Environment in Benin

    Some 100 women celebrated International Women’s Day in forest — emphasizing the importance of gender equality to environmental sustainability. The event was organized by the the national women’s association and The Hunger Project, and it received coverage (below) in the national media.

  • Next Steps for CLD in Kenya!

    Next Steps for CLD in Kenya!

    The Kenya chapter of the Movement for Community-led Development (CLD) met today with Governor Kibwana of Makueni County and several members of his team to discuss next steps in our five-year partnership. A key milestone is to pilot and institutionalize a “School for CLD” inspired by the successful pioneering of this approach in Mexico. During…

  • Challenges to #ShiftThePower

    Challenges to #ShiftThePower

    Power dynamics within the development sector have been under scrutiny for years and advocates for change have long called for the decolonization of aid. The emergence of movements for shifting the power calling for community-led development and local ownership has breathed new life into the debate. However, little progress has been made in changing deep-rooted structural inequalities. We partnered with The Hunger Project Sweden to co-host a…

  • USAID publishes piece on our CLD Tools: “Don’t Let M&E Walk Alone”

    USAID publishes piece on our CLD Tools: “Don’t Let M&E Walk Alone”

    Originally published February 22, 2022 by the USAID Learning Lab at this link. Community-led development (CLD) is quickly becoming one of international development’s most prominent buzzwords. International NGOs, private donors, and governments all over the world are examining ways to realign their development efforts with principles that emphasize the role of participants and communities at…

  • MCLD-Kenya and County Government of Makueni move to deepen CLD

    MCLD-Kenya and County Government of Makueni move to deepen CLD

    The Movement for Community-led Development (MCLD) and County Government of Makueni (CGM) held a joint workshop (February 28-March 1,2022) to develop an annual workplan to implement the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between MCLD and CGM on September 30 2021. Through this collaboration, MCLD will strengthen the capacity of the county to upscale its community-led…

  • Strengthening Community Resilience and Gender Equity

    Strengthening Community Resilience and Gender Equity

    In preparation for International Women’s Day (March 8th), February’s Global Monthly Call focused on two of our five Movement goals – Voice for women in decision making and strengthening community resilience to climate change and other shocks.  Panelists: Danielle Jolicoeur, Global Resilience Director, Mercy Corps  Samuel Mutambo, National Program Director THP Zambia & MCLD Zambia…

  • Special Monitoring Workshop with ITPC

    Special Monitoring Workshop with ITPC

    Community-led Monitoring puts community members in the driver’s seat of bringing about change. In this workshop, the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition shared their methodology on conducting effective Community-led Monitoring. We started with the principles of Community-led Monitoring and then look at successful examples of how it can be done in different countries and contexts through breakout groups. The group then concluded the…