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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • #ShiftThePower for Health Equity

    #ShiftThePower for Health Equity

    A major theme at the 2022 Global Health Council’s Landscape Symposium has been health equity. We in MCLD believe that the only way to ensure… Read more

  • Young Agro-Green Africa Network (YAGANET): Leveraging Community Resources

    Young Agro-Green Africa Network (YAGANET): Leveraging Community Resources

    Baluku Isaya is from the Rwenzori sub-region in Mid-Western Uganda. He is passionate about community-led initiatives and grew up in a farming background, where he… Read more

  • Co-creating the future of MCLD — November 30, 2022 Global Zoom Call

    Co-creating the future of MCLD — November 30, 2022 Global Zoom Call

    As CLD gains traction with policy makers, we have new opportunities for impact and influence that surpass our current structure and budget. This month’s call… Read more

  • Join us for #16Days of activism to halt gender-based violence

    Join us for #16Days of activism to halt gender-based violence

    From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence… Read more

  • Mansofinia Agric Farmers’ Organization: Using what we have to help others

    Mansofinia Agric Farmers’ Organization: Using what we have to help others

    This month’s Movement Matters features Aiah Marrah and Lansana Kondeh, two contributors to the formation of MCLD Sierra Leone and initiators of Mansofinia Agric Farmers’… Read more

  • Standing with small-scale producers at the World Bank Annual Meetings

    Standing with small-scale producers at the World Bank Annual Meetings

    During the World Bank Annual meetings in Washington DC on October 12, 2022, civil society and World Bank officials discussed ways to #ShiftThePower to small-scale… Read more

  • USAID’s New Local Capacity Strengthening Policy

    USAID’s New Local Capacity Strengthening Policy

    For this month’s call, we were joined by Colleen Brady and Arjun Tasker from USAID to update us on the new Local Capacity Strengthening Policy… Read more