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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • MCLD’s Top Moments of 2021

    MCLD’s Top Moments of 2021

    The Community-Led Development community has reached new milestones in a challenging year! The traction for CLD has been unpredictably high in 2021. We are grateful… Read more

  • National Chapters Develop Strategies for 2022

    National Chapters Develop Strategies for 2022

    December 15, 2021 – At its last monthly meeting of 2021, members from around the world heard from experts on key priorities for 2022 and… Read more

  • Health for All Advocacy Toolkit

    Health for All Advocacy Toolkit

    The Health for All Advocacy Toolkit provides national-level civil society organizations (CSOs) and health networks with the necessary resources to kick-start advocacy initiatives on universal health coverage… Read more

  • Cross Learning Workshop involving the Togo and Benin MCLD Chapters

    Cross Learning Workshop involving the Togo and Benin MCLD Chapters

    Leaders from two West Africa chapters held a first joint in-person workshop to deepen their understanding of CLD and review progress. Read more

  • All Democracy is Local

    All Democracy is Local

    A side event to the Summit for Democracy – December 6, 2021 A famous US politician once said “All politics is local.” By this he… Read more

  • Climate Action: Engaging with Governors at the “Devolution Conference”

    Climate Action: Engaging with Governors at the “Devolution Conference”

    MCLD Kenya participated in the Devolution Conference 2021 (November 23-26) where Kenya’s President H.E Uhuru Kenyatta was the headline speaker. Hosted by the Makueni County… Read more

  • Community-led Adaptation for Climate Change

    Community-led Adaptation for Climate Change

    Climate change is the most urgent crisis facing the world as we head towards a future where as much as a third of global food… Read more