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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Localizing Livelihoods: Our Best Chance in the War on Poverty

    Based on MCLD’s sector dialogue on Livelihoods, Research and Advocacy Intern Benjamin Goldberg prepared a position paper to further present the arguments for a community-led… Read more

  • Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    Nutrition for Growth Side Event: Community Ownership Key to Good Nutrition

    November 24, 2021 – More than 95 activists for community-led nutrition action met to emphasize key community-led strategies and share three case studies. Good nutrition… Read more

  • Community-led Climate Action

    Community-led Climate Action

    On our October 2021 global call and in preparation for the COP26 Climate Summit, the Movement for Community-led Development came together to distill their experiences. Read more

  • Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD

    Local Means Local: Community Leadership and Facilitation in CLD, a two-part multi-lingual learning event to share the findings from phase 2 of our collaborative research.… Read more

  • Catch Up with the National Chapters: September 2021

    Catch Up with the National Chapters: September 2021

    Our National Chapters have had a busy month of strengthening their internal understanding and practice of community-led development.  The Liberia Chapter hosted a knowledge sharing… Read more

  • Exploring Dynamic, Community-led WASH Systems

    Exploring Dynamic, Community-led WASH Systems

    Millions of people around the world continue to suffer from inadequate access to safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. Our Dialogue on August 19th explores the… Read more

  • Promoting Access to Justice Through Community-led Approaches

    Promoting Access to Justice Through Community-led Approaches

    There are about 5 billion people globally whose justice needs are unmet, including those who cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, those who are excluded from opportunities the law… Read more