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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Special Monitoring Workshop with ITPC

    Special Monitoring Workshop with ITPC

    Community-led Monitoring puts community members in the driver’s seat of bringing about change. In this workshop, the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition shared their methodology on conducting effective Community-led Monitoring. We… Read more

  • New short video from the Uganda National Chapter

    New short video from the Uganda National Chapter

    The Hunger Project-Uganda has produced a beautiful short video on Community-led Development that highlights our #1 goal of ensuring the inclusion of women, youth and… Read more

  • Watch! #ShiftThePower means #ShiftTheMoney!

    Watch! #ShiftThePower means #ShiftTheMoney!

    Today, MCLD hosted our Side Event for the UN Commission on Social Development on Financing Community-led Action for Inclusive, Resilient Post-Covid-19 Recovery. Resilience is inherently… Read more

  • Open Letter to Mark Suzman

    Open Letter to Mark Suzman

    Dear Mark, Congratulations on publishing your first Annual Letter. It provides an important insight into the way you, your new board, and your team at… Read more

  • Opinion: As USAID adjusts, make sure local means local

    Opinion: As USAID adjusts, make sure local means local

    By John Coonrod, Gunjan Veda Published to Devex on 24 January 2022 Featured Photo: USAID LCD Policy Cover Page. On December, weeks after USAID Administrator… Read more

  • Video: Focus on Capacity Strengthening

    Video: Focus on Capacity Strengthening

    On January 26, 2022 Movement members gathered on Zoom to explore one of the most important requests of community-based organizations: opportunities to strengthen their capacity… Read more

  • The Pandemic & Gender-Based Violence

    The Pandemic & Gender-Based Violence

    We opened 2022 with the 15th call in our Adapting CLD Processes to COVID-19 series. This time, we talked about gender-based violence, which is something… Read more