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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Debrief the Summits!

    Debrief the Summits!

    What a month! Africa held its first Climate Summit – accompanied by a People’s Climate Summit – and the UN declares localization as a key… Read more

  • MCLD and ABCG Commence Collaboration to Strengthen Community Voices in Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya

    MCLD and ABCG Commence Collaboration to Strengthen Community Voices in Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya

    Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD) and Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) signed an MoU Read more

  • Rose Mbone – The Legend Kenya

    Rose Mbone – The Legend Kenya

    Movement Matters #13 – Rose Mbone, The Legend Kenya Meet Rose Mbone, a visionary peacebuilder from Nairobi. Rose founded The Legend Kenya, fostering nonviolent conflict… Read more

  • MCLD-Sierra Leone prevents election violence

    MCLD-Sierra Leone prevents election violence

    With support from One Village Partners, MCLD-Sierra Leone carried out a successful campaign to prevent violence in the run up to the June 24, 2023… Read more

  • Half-Time! MCLD Prepares for the SDG Summit

    Half-Time! MCLD Prepares for the SDG Summit

    The August 2023 monthly zoom call focused on preparations for September’s SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit, at which the UN Secretary General has called for… Read more

  • John Maton –  Lawyer, Dispute Resolution Specialist, Peace Advocate and Activist

    John Maton –  Lawyer, Dispute Resolution Specialist, Peace Advocate and Activist

    This month’s column features John Maton and his work in Nigeria. We discuss John’s inspiration, love of learning, and understanding of community-led development. Read more

  • Un jeune champion du volontariat  et de l’outil d’évaluation participative du DPC nous parle 

    Un jeune champion du volontariat  et de l’outil d’évaluation participative du DPC nous parle 

    Par Becky Irakiza, entretien avec Béranger Tossou du 4-07-2023 Please find English translation below. C’était en 2010 quand Béranger a rencontré la directrice du centre… Read more