In 2019, MCLD began a collaborative journey to understand and strengthen the practice and impact of community-led development. Today, this multi-organizational, multi-country, multi-lingual team of Program, Monitoring, Research, Evaluation, and Learning professionals has developed multi-lingual tools, carried out qualitative and quantitative analysis, and developed guidance and recommendations for implementors, funders, and governments alike.

Photo: Suporna from Khulna in Bangladesh, 2022. Photo for The Hunger Project

Most Read Reports & Tools  

Image of the online tool
Online and mobile Participatory CLD Assessment Tool to strengthen CLD practice: available in English, French & Spanish
CLD Evaluation Tool: Excel-based tool for evaluators and organizations in English & French
InCLuDE: Impact of CLD on Food Security: A Rapid Realist Review
Unpacking CLD: Study of 173 CLD programs across 65 countries
Sectoral Position Papers: See our series on CLD in WASH, Health, Livelihoods…
InCLuDE: Guidance documents for funders and implementers in French & English

Research Team & Advisory Group

Learn about the various phases of our work

Reports, articles, literature reviews & …

Strengthen CLD practice & evaluation

How to use the CLD assessment tool in EN, FR, ES

the research team!