Suporna from Khulna in Bangladesh, 2022. Photo for The Hunger Project

Participatory CLD Assessment Tool

Strengthen your practice of community-led development!

CLD Evaluation Tool

Ensure evaluations are rigorous and aligned with CLD principles

Purpose: Create dialogue among stakeholders through participatory reviews at various junctures of the program life-cycle to determine how the program aligns with the CLD characteristics, and enable reviewers and stakeholders to undertake course corrections, where agreed and needed.

How to Install: The tool is a Progressive Web App (PWA). This means you visit the link in your browser —

If you’ve not already installed it locally, you’ll see one of these symbols in your browser:

Click on it. On Android select “Install App.” On an iPhone or iPad, select “post on home page.” On Desktop Chrome a pop-up will ask if you want to install it and you click on “install.”

Local Data: The app keeps the data on your local device. Under the three-dots on the app, you have an option to email the data to someone, download the data to a file, upload a previous file of data, or view and print it locally.

Who Should Use this Tool? Program officers, funders, governments, community members, and NGOs.

When Should I Use it? It can be used at any stage in the life-cycle of a program, from program design to annual reviews, mid-term, end-line or ex-post reviews.

Nine-point framework:

A: Participation, Inclusion, and Voice
B: Local Resources and Knowledge
C: Exit Strategy Linked to Sustainability
D: Accountability Mechanisms.
E: Responsiveness to Context Specific Dynamics
F: Collaboration within and among communities
G: CLD linked to Sub-National Governments
H. Monitoring and Evaluation Practices
I. Facilitation Investment and Intensity

Licensing: The Participatory CLD Assessment Tool by The Movement for Community-Led Development is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.                                                   

Formats: Excel, Mobile  and tablet friendly   

Developed by: Scoping Sub-Group


Questions or Feedback? This is a living tool and we are constantly improving it as organizations and professionals from all over the world provide feedback. Help us strengthen the practice of CLD. Use this Feedback form or write to Research Lead, Gunjan Veda ( to share your experience with the tool. 

Learn How to Use the Participatory CLD Assessment Tool: Sign up for the free Certificate Training!

Purpose: To ensure that evaluations are rigorous and congruent with the principles of Community-Led Development.

Who Should Use this Tool? Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Program staff from NGOs and CSOs looking to evaluate the quality of a program evaluation, assessment, or research study. The tool is designed to be simple enough for any staff to use on evaluation reports, even if they are not M&E specialists.

When Should I Use it?  When commissioning or reviewing an evaluation.

Licensing: The Quality Appraisal Tool by The Movement for Community-Led Development is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Format: Excel                                                

Developed by: Evaluation Sub-Group 


Questions or Feedback? This is a living tool and we are constantly improving it as organizations and professionals from all over the world provide feedback. Help us strengthen CLD evaluations. Use this Feedback form or write to Research Lead, Gunjan Veda ( to share your experience with the tool. 

Learn more about Community-led Monitoring and Evaluation

“It was a humbling exercise […] It’s very important that these types of tools exist.”

Chad McCordic, One Village Partners

“I am grateful for the opportunity I had to interact with fellow passionate development practitioners and for the training. Indeed, it was valuable as it addresses the existing gap.”

Trisha Patience Chalulu, World Vision Malawi
  • English
  • Français
  • Españil

CLD Assessment Tool – English

Participatory CLD Assessment Tool Mobile Version

Paricipatory CLD Assement Guidance Document

Quality Appraisal Tool for CLD Assessments
