Tag: #protection
Protection Mainstreaming Training Facilitator’s Guide
Description: The target audience for the training is staff workingin all IRC sectors from assistant level upwards.Recognizing that the level of staff capacity in IRCvaries from country to country, trainers should tailor thematerials appropriately to their audience. A methodology focusing on practicality ratherthan theory has been favored; the aim being to getparticipants to ask themselves…
Trainer Guidelines
Description: Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has identified protection as a priority in all aspects of our programming, in both emergency and nonemergency contexts. To ensure that all staff have a shared level ofunderstanding of what is meant by protection, the CRS Protection Team has prepared the following Training Module. CRS anticipates that all CRS country…
CPMS Mainstreaming Case Studies Series
Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash Description: The Facilitator’s Guide has been developed to assist those using the case study to facilitate discussion and learning around child protection mainstreaming into one or more other sectors. Please adapt the guide as appropriate for your audience, objective(s) and available time. Make sure to capture lessons learned in…