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Past Events

  • Strategy in Benin plus celebrating Youth Community Leadership

    Strategy in Benin plus celebrating Youth Community Leadership

    July 28, 2021 – On the monthly global call, members shared stories of youth community leadership, and took a deep dive with our West Africa Regional Director – Pascal Djohossou – into the strategic process and impact of MCLD-Benin.

  • Time to Decolonise Aid!

    Time to Decolonise Aid!

    June 2021: This month the Movement for Community-led Development focused on the Triple Nexus of Peace, Humanitarian Response and Development. “Time to Decolonize Aid” is a new report that emerged from a three-day online consultation with 158 activists, decision- makers, academics, journalists and practitioners across the globe. Participants and guest contributors exchanged insights and local experiences on…

  • Monthly Global Call: Transforming Food Systems

    Monthly Global Call: Transforming Food Systems

  • Raising Local Resources

    Raising Local Resources

    On our April 2021 Global Call, our members discussed the challenge of decolonizing aid by meeting core expenses via mobilizing local resources. Our special guests for the call were Eshban Kwesiga of the Global Fund for Community Foundations based in Uganda, shared his own story growing up in a community with no access to government…

  • Feminism and Food Systems

    Feminism and Food Systems

    The March global Zoom gathering of the Movement for Community-led Development featured special presentations by: Ritu Sharma, president of Radiant Advocacy and a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition for a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States. Learn more at this link, and scroll to the bottom to sign on! Joanna Veltri,…

  • First Asia Zoom Call: Experience Sharing with BRAC and the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement

    First Asia Zoom Call: Experience Sharing with BRAC and the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement

    March 17, 2021: More than 40 Community-led Development practitioners and supporters from across Asia – from Afghanistan to Australia – came together last night to discuss the methodologies of two of the largest, oldest and most successful Community-led Development (CLD) programs in the world: BRAC’s Community Empowerment Program (link to their website), which currently reaches…

  • What Transformation Takes

    What Transformation Takes

    February 2021: This month, the MCLD Learning Working Group hosted a discussion on responsible transitions to locally led entities including Grace Boone, Program Manager at CDA Collaborative Learning, Pauline Wambeti, Director of Nuru Kenya, and Sia Nowrojee, program lead of the UN Foundation’s Girl Up program. Our speakers discussed practical lessons for how shifts in…

  • President Joyce Banda Keynotes January 27 Event

    President Joyce Banda Keynotes January 27 Event

    When local people are a part of the solution, they are an unstoppable force for justice, change, and achievement. Dr. Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi Purpose of the January 27, 2021 event Present new research findings on the current practice of community-led development (CLD) Introduce new tools development actors can use to strengthen the…

  • Co-creating 2021

    Co-creating 2021

    December’s global call by the Movement for Community-Led Development provided our movement members and national chapter leaders with the opportunity to reflect on 2020 and think collaboratively towards co-creating 2021. As Raj Kuman recently said, 2020 may have set back development by a decade, but it also accelerated the transformation of development by a decade.…