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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • Democracy and Justice

    Democracy and Justice

    Our August 2022 Global Call On our monthly call for the Movement for Community-led Developmentand as we prepare for International Day of Democracy and the… Read more

  • How does Locally Led Development Work?

    How does Locally Led Development Work?

    The Movement for Community-led Development, The Hunger Project and World Vision launch the new USAID-funded LIFE Project in Bangladesh and Ethiopia to create and measure… Read more

  • 10 Learnings from MCLD Leaders on International Youth Day

    10 Learnings from MCLD Leaders on International Youth Day

    In the Movement for Community-led Development, we know that young people can transform their communities. Meaningfully including youth makes communities more resilient to crises, as… Read more

  • Corps Africa: Locals Helping Locals

    Corps Africa: Locals Helping Locals

    In the second edition of the Movement for Community-led Development’s monthly column, Movement Matters, Arthur Nkosi (Director, CorpsAfrica Malawi) unpacks the links between CorpsAfrica and… Read more

  • July Monthly Call: Youth!

    July Monthly Call: Youth!

    MCLD is committed to powerfully including youth in our Movement. This month we heard from three youth Movement members on how youth are shifting the… Read more

  • NEW COURSE: Domestic Resource Mobilization Course In Partnership with the Change the Game Academy 

    NEW COURSE: Domestic Resource Mobilization Course In Partnership with the Change the Game Academy 

    In response to demand from our chapter members, as reflected in our Umbrella Strategy, we hope you will join us in this exclusive new course, led… Read more

  • Pause and Reflect: The Participatory CLD Assessment Tool

    Pause and Reflect: The Participatory CLD Assessment Tool

    In January 2021, MCLD launched the Participatory CLD Assessment Tool, and so began an unprecedented learning journey. Organizations of all types, sizes, and focuses from… Read more