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  • Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Majority World Voice: Organizing convening spaces on LLD

    Learn more about and join the commitment letter from majority world CBOs on convening spaces for LLD. Read more

  • An Orientation on the Cooperative Business Model Facilitator’s Guide

    An Orientation on the Cooperative Business Model Facilitator’s Guide

    Description: The facilitator’s guide is geared towards people who are interested in organizing and facilitating Think.COOP training. It provides guidance on planning the training and… Read more

  • A Facilitators’ Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS

    A Facilitators’ Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS

    Description: This guide does not attempt to explore how participatory approaches can be applied to different aspects of HIV/AIDS work. The Alliance documents this information… Read more

  • Protection, Gender and Inclusion in Emergencies Toolkit

    Protection, Gender and Inclusion in Emergencies Toolkit

    (Note – the 2018 IFRC Facilitator Guide seems to have been replaced by this 2021 Toolkit but it is still available at a new link.)… Read more

  • ToT Facilitator Guide House to House Social mobilization for vaccination activities

    ToT Facilitator Guide House to House Social mobilization for vaccination activities

    Description: This Facilitator Guide is written for all people providing training for trainers (ToT). It is a resource to assist you in preparing supervisors and… Read more

  • Online Facilitation 101

    Online Facilitation 101

    Description: All of our workshops are rooted in our Direct Education approach. Our trainers center the group, building upon dynamics in the room and participants’ own experience… Read more

  • Preparing for Training and Facilitating

    Preparing for Training and Facilitating

    Description: This module provides information and techniques for planning participatory training in the context of natural resource management. The main target group of this module… Read more

  • Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices

    Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices

    Description: This guide is aimed at people, teams, or institutions from the governmental sector or other sectors of civil society that work with communities. This… Read more